Helpful Life Filters Filter, harmful things, regular practices, Relationship with God, Repentance, Self-Examination Household filters can be a simple illustration of the need for repentance. Heating and air conditioning filters, water filters, and even car air filters… READ MORE
Filtered Filter, Lens, New Testament, Perception, Reality, The Bible, Truth, View, Worldview Think of how different pictures look when we add different filters and or lenses to our iPhone or cameras. Depending on which filter or… READ MORE
A Filtered Life 2 Corinthians 3:18, Acts 2:38, Dishonesty, Filter, Hidden, Imperfection, Instagram, John 4:14, Mistakes, Pictures, Radical, Romans 12:2, Romans 5:6, Transformation, Transparency Instagram (and many other apps) has a setting to add filters to pictures. Filters are used to make your pictures look better or to… READ MORE