Margaret Philbrick, author of Back to the Manger, shares about how seeing the Christmas season through the eyes of her children has opened her eyes to the wonder and fullness of God. She writes, “I’m learning that the key to experiencing Advent with the wonder of a child is found in seeing Jesus. He is the source of beauty, truth and wonder: ‘As soon as all the people saw Jesus, they were overwhelmed with wonder and ran to greet him’ (Mark 9:15). These words offer comfort and hope for the weary commuter and the exhausted, nose-wiping mother. It says ‘all the people.’ We who are waiting and watching for him are part of that glorious group of ‘all.’ We are in the crowd and the children are with us. And we too, can be overwhelmed with wonder.”
As adults, most of us take the mundane for granted. May we be filled with the same wonder and worship as children for our Savior this Christmas season.