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The Dark Knight Rises,the final movie of Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy, shows Batman fighting enemies with the help of others (directed by Christopher Nolan, Warner Bros., 2012). The movie “shows Batman having to…
Leadership is an aspect of our lives in almost every situation, even if we are just leading ourselves in…
In an office situation or in a group of kids, you will sometimes find disagreement over who is in…
Newest Sermon Illustrations
N. T. Wright shares the story of an Australian prisoner of war to illustrate Jesus’s role in this passage: “Tom Moore was in charge…
This video of celebrities and their historical look-a-likes can serve as a light-hearted illustration to talk about how Jesus is the perfect representation of…
On December 5, 1963, an Olympian was born in the United Kingdom. Michael Edwards, who would become “Eddie the Eagle,” decided from an early…
If you’ve ever driven for more than fifteen minutes, chances are you’ve come to a point at which you struggled to love those around…
Full-body scans claim to give people a glimpse of their insides. “Using a technology that ‘takes a look’ at people’s insides and promises early…
We’ve all seen cars with the “Jesus fish” sticker on the back. And may be we’ve seen that car cutting someone off, running red…