Being content in the Lord is like learning to rest at the summit of a mountain climb. You have labored to get where you are, and some days you just need to stop and rest in him. Psalm 131 focuses on God’s majesty, which points to his concern for creation—humans in particular. Longman shows the intent of the psalmist when addressing verse 1: “The Hebrew literally reads: ‘my eyes are not lifted up’, which is equivalent to a person today saying that they do not look down their nose at other people. In other words, this is a denial of a proud demeanour. In wisdom literature, the wicked are those who have eyes that are lifted up (Prov. 30:13–14), which the Lord hates (Prov. 6:17)” (Tremper Longman III, Psalms: An Introduction and Commentary, Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries [Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2014], 433, Logos).