
Have you ever showed up somewhere only to realize you are unprepared for the situation? Maybe you didn’t bring the right tool to perform a job. Or you dressed casually for a formal occasion—or vice versa. It can be embarrassing! People can doubt if you know what you are doing or if you are in the right place. In season 4, episode 2 of the Netflix series The Crown, new prime minister Margaret Thatcher is invited for a short stay with the royal family at Balmoral Castle. She is warned ahead of time that the family can be rather horrid to outsiders and that Balmoral is full of tests for those who hope to be accepted by them. Thatcher fails immediately by dressing in her best gown for dinner while the rest of the family is still in day clothes. Later, when she is invited on a hunt with the queen, she shows up in a bright blue dress, perfume, and heels, thus making it impossible to be hunt incognito. Instead of impressing, she comes across as ridiculous: https://youtu.be/gZgqQsFvyMM?t=203 (3:23–4:47).