Deserved Glory

In the animated film Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem (directed by Jeff Rowe and Kyler Spears, Paramount Pictures, 2023), a group of anthropomorphic turtles are compelled to rescue their hometown, New York City, from an army of malicious mutants. The Mutant Ninja Turtles are adolescent siblings. Like most teenagers, they desire the approval of their peers. The problem is that human beings are prejudiced against all mutants, including the Turtle brothers. Riddled with xenophobia, the people of NYC either fear the Ninja Turtles or outright hate them. In order to become real heroes, the brothers must overcome their insecurities. They must stop seeking human applause and adoration, accepting their humble status and lowly condition in a world that doesn’t appreciate them for who they are. At the end of the movie, after they have successfully quit caring about earning acceptance from others, they are finally acknowledged as heroes by their peers. Like the Turtles, and like Jesus himself, only after we have accepted our humble state in this life will we be able to receive the glory and honor that such an act rightly deserves.