Casting Lots

What would you pay for used underwear? Maybe it depends on who wore it. Items used by celebrities have sold for sky-high prices by crazed fans, like J. K. Rowling’s chair that sold for $394,000, a lock of Justin Bieber’s hair that went for $40,600, or Britney Spears’s chewed gum that sold for $14,000 (Diana Pearl, “10 Touched-by-a-Celeb Items That Went for Big Bucks at Auction,” People Magazine, April 7, 2016).

The soldiers were focused on themselves and taking what they wanted, but Jesus was concerned with taking care of others. They were concerned with what they could gain. But Jesus was focused on what he could give. Jesus’s trust in God’s heart compelled him to follow through with God’s plan. The specificity of the psalm’s prophecy only confirmed that this, indeed, was the Father’s will. As the Good Shepherd, Jesus laid down his life for his sheep. As the trusting Son, Jesus served others by selflessly giving his life away. Likewise, the authenticity of our faith is exhibited by our serving others.

