A Just Gospel

In an article for the Reformed African American Network, Charles Holmes Jr. shares how the gospel can inform the church’s call to social justice. He writes, “The heart of God bends towards the needy and dependent, and so should ours. We once were alienated from God, but God had compassion on us. As we seek to be conformed to the image of God, we should be having compassion on the vulnerable. In our communities and to our neighbors, let’s seek justice by doing good deeds, declaring justification through faith, and hoping and proclaiming in the coming perfect Judge Jesus Christ.”

The early church was a model for helping the poor and oppressed in society, especially the ones considered undesirable. At times, the church has lost this part of its ministry, especially when our country is so divided by class and race. However, we see that if we claim to love God we must also love those he cares about.


Source: https://www.raanetwork.org/gospel-doesnt-oppose-social-justice/