Emulating Christ

The classic Christian novel In His Steps, by Charles Sheldon, tackles the question “What would Jesus do?” and what it means to emulate Christ in our lives, even if it disrupts our comfort and way of living. The book follows several Christian men and women of different ages and walks of life in exploring the effect that orienting our hearts and minds to be like Jesus has on ourselves and others. And its central idea appears to have influenced nonbelievers as well! A satirical group, Reverend Billy and the Stop Shopping Choir, staged a “What Would Jesus Buy?” protest at the Mall of America during the Christmas buying season one year to encourage shoppers to stop the endless, out-of-control consumption in our culture: https://youtu.be/ui4yX17cYW0. It would be sad if unbelievers could see the need for our faith to affect all aspects of our life— including our spending habits—and Christians missed it.