“Florida or Bust”

Ruthlessly keeping God in the center of our mind is like the “Florida or Bust” bumper stickers. Roadtrippers are known for declaring their destination and fully focusing on getting there. How can we declare that we will ruthlessly focus on Christ? Daily reminders in our home and workplace can remind us of Christ. Notifications on our phone can remind us of encouraging verses or help us memorize Scripture throughout the day. Families can create tiny pocket reminders of promises from God written on small cards. The cards can be left in a basket by the door and family members can pick out the promise of God they need that day and carry it with them. Students can eliminate apps on their devices that tempt them to think negatively about themselves or others. We can fill our mind with scriptural truths by using resources such as the New City Catechism, which asks simple questions and gives simple answers for the purpose of memorizing good things (http://newcitycatechism.com/introduction-timothy-keller/).