God Uses Unlikely People

Sometimes God will use people in our lives to change our course. Some of those people won’t be part of our community of faith. 

Some of those people might seem like the last people in the world that God would use.

In the film based on a true story, Schindlers List, German businessman Oskar Schindler decided to use Jews in his machine factory during World War II. Jews were cheap labor for Schindler and would gain him a better profit. However, since these Jews were used for labor they would not be sent off to the concentration camps to die. Over the course of the filmSchindler develops a relationship with these Jews and uses his wealth and influence to save their lives. A shrewd, wealthy, and powerful German businessman, who was also a member of the Nazi party, saved the lives of hundreds of Jews. The least likely person was used to change the course of history.

The people in our lives—whether believers or not—are a part of a larger story God is writing. A boss, a manager, coach, or politician who may not be a believer and yet who God has used for good in the lives of God’s people. What unbelievers with influence in our lives can we pray for? Who are the powerful people we can pray for?


Source: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0108052/