Growing Our Spiritual Muscles

man lifting barbell

Michael Green writes, “There is a fascinating parallel between spiritual and natural laws. If we develop our muscles, our reward is that we can carry heavier burdens and still feel good. To those who have, more is given (29). And if we lie in bed and do nothing, atrophy takes over, and we find we can do less and less. We lose even the pathetic muscles we once had. It is like that in the spiritual realm. When we act faithfully under the responsibilities the Master has entrusted to us, our capacities will grow. If we do nothing with them, our ability to respond and be useful will diminish to vanishing point. The image is dynamic and organic. It is a powerful spur to responsibility in the service of the Master, and a warning against sloth, whether that is induced by laziness, fear of change or unwillingness to take risks” (Michael Green, The Message of Matthew: The Kingdom of Heaven, The Bible Speaks Today [Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2001], 262).