He’s Everywhere

“The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork” (Psalm 19:1). God is immanent in nature, the physical universe having his fingerprints that point to a creator. “The first strophe (19:1–4a) tells us that the heavens display the radiant splendor of God. Specifically, this is the radiant splendor of the universal Creator—‘his eternal power and divine nature’ (Rom 1:20)—not the saving deeds of Yahweh (Mays 1994:98). This glory is made known every day and in every corner of the planet. Whenever and wherever the heavens are seen, God may be known in his glory” (Mark D. Futato, “Psalms,” in Psalms & Proverbs, Cornerstone Biblical Commentary 7, ed. Phillip Comfort [Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale Publishing, 2009], 91).