Listening to Authority

man in black dress shirt sitting on brown chair

Imagine showing up to a business to pick up something you left there—your
credit card or glasses, for instance. However, someone you don’t know is waiting
for you at the door. They tell you not to go in but instead to go away, right away,
even though it is normal business hours. What would you do? Now imagine that
same scenario, but parked out front is a SWAT vehicle, and the person at the
door is in uniform. Now when they tell you what to do, you immediately listen!
They have the authority! Or maybe you notice a spot on your shoulder that
you’ve thought nothing of. Your friends or spouse said it was nothing to worry
about. However, your dermatologist says you should get it removed right away.
Who do you listen to? The dermatologist, who speaks with authority, of course!
We heed the advice of those who know more than we do. This is why we trust in
a risen, sovereign Savior who has defeated death and reigns above all. There is
no greater authority than Christ. He is no longer emptied and humbled
(Philippians 2:5–7), as an earthly Savior; he is exalted and wholly in his power
again! He speaks, we listen. He commands, we respond.