Only Going as Far as We Can Go

two stars in the middle of a black sky

The Star Wars story Andor (2022–, Disney+) follows the budding resistance to
the galactic empire. The characters are not perfect. They are rebels. In season 1,
episode 10, Cassian along with longtime fellow prisoner Kino have led a revolt
within the corrupt prison they were sent to. While they were promised their
freedom if they could work their way up, the reality is that none of the prisoners
would ever gain their freedom. They would be killed instead. Having successfully
taken control of the building, the men head to their only way of escape. They
must jump into the water below and swim to shore. It is here that Kino reveals he
cannot swim. He has led these men as far as he can. His story ends here, but
the resistance presses on. We can only take someone as far as we can go.
Without the Spirit, our role in fulfilling the Great Commission would stall out. We
are finite in these earthly bodies, but with the Spirit we see God accomplish great