Grace Empowers Empowering, Empowerment, Grace, Obedience, Power, Salvation, Sanctification, Strength Imagine children in a home being told to pick up. They’ll fight the parent over it. They don’t want to do it. But the… READ MORE
Empowered To Sacrifice Comparison, Contentious, David Livingstone, Empowerment, Explorer, Gain, Hebrews 10:34, Love, Luke 14:27, Luke 18:22, Luke 9:24, Matthew 10:37, Missionary, Respect, Sacrifice David Livingstone is one of the more well-known missionaries and explorers to southern Africa. Though he is also known for being contentious and a… READ MORE
The Holy Spirit 2 Corinthians 3:17, 2 Corinthians 5:5, Anxiety, Empowerment, Guidance, Holiness, John 14:26, Life, Luke 4:1, Power, Relationship, Romans 15:13, Sanctification, The Holy Spirit, Trust Last year, Christianity Today interviewed J.D. Greear about the Holy Spirit. When asked, “How would you characterize your relationship with the Holy Spirit?,” he… READ MORE