Godly Anger Anger, Conflict Resolution, God's Anger, Injustice, Justice, Solution The old adage says “There’s a time and a place for everything.” This includes anger. When we witness an injustice and the resulting anger… READ MORE
Sloths God's Anger, Logic, Relationship with God, Slow to Anger To many people, sloths symbolize laziness, but they are actually “energy-saving mammals taking life at a slow pace to avoid the rush and tumble… READ MORE
Motivated By Love 1 Chronicles 16:29, Duty, God's Anger, God's Beauty, Isaiah 33:17, Joy, Love, Motivation, Obedience, Penalty, Practicality, Psalm 118:24, Psalm 27:4, Psalm 50:1-2, Striving In answering a question about the motivation for obeying the Lord, Tim Keller said, “In the long run, you should always do the right… READ MORE
Propitiation 1 John 2:2, 2 Corinthians 5:19, Forgiveness, Galatians 2:16, God's Anger, Grace, Isaiah 43:25, Justification, Propitiation, Redemption, Refuge, Rescue, Romans 3:25, Sacrifice, The Cross There’s a word used in the Bible to describe God’s anger against us being appeased: propitiation. “To understand [propitiation], think about how a mother… READ MORE