Set Free Abduction, Babylonian exile, emancipate, Israel, Messiah, Sacrifce, Saved, Slavery The film 12 Years a Slave (directed by Steve McQueen, New Regency Productions, 2013), tells the story of Solomon Northup. He’s a free black man from… READ MORE
Forgetful Doubt, Forgetful, Forgetfulness, God's Faithfulness, Israel, Provision, Rebellion, Remembering, Trust, Trusting God The character of Dory, in this scene from Finding Dory, is a lot like how Israel interacted with God through the Old Testament:…. READ MORE
Eye-Opening Symbols God's Faithfulness, God's Love, Hosea, Hosea 1:2, Hosea 3:1, Imagery, Isaiah 32:3, Israel, Matthew 11:15, Obedience, Romans 9:25, Symbols Have you ever heard of, or participated in, the project from grade school that required carrying around an egg for a week? In this… READ MORE
Lesson Learned 2 Chronicle 7:14, 2 Chronicles 36:15-16, Deuteronomy 28:1-14, Disobedience, Example, God's Covenant, Israel, Joshua 1:8, Leviticus 26:1-13, Obedience, Punishment, Warning If you grew up with siblings, you can probably remember seeing one of them get in trouble and punished. Did their example keep you… READ MORE