Souvenir Communion, Experience, Memory, past and present, Remembering, souvenir Whenever someone takes a trip to another land, they return with at least one of three things: memories of the experience, a souvenir, and… READ MORE
Memory Is Important God Remembers, God's Covenant, God's Love, Loving God, Memory, Remember The Pixar character Dory, from the movies Finding Nemo (2003) and Finding Dori (2017), is known for her short-term memory. Throughout the movies, she… READ MORE
Looking Back God's Faithfulness, Knowing God, Meditation, Memory, Reflection, Remember, Remembering, Trusting God In a National Geographic piece, writer James Owen details an investigation that explored the short-term memory of many popular animals. “Covering 25 species that… READ MORE
Chekov’s Gun Devotional, Gun, James 4:8, Matthew 6:33, Memory, Psalm 119:9, Psalm 62:1, Psalm 91:1, Purpose, Quiet time, Reading, Relevant, Rules, Storytelling, Truth Playwright Anton Chekov had a rule in writing that if the audience sees a gun in the first scene, it has to go off… READ MORE
The Tree of Life 1 Corinthians 15:54-58, Blessing, Estrangement, God's Love, God's Plan, Hope, Mark 10:45, Memory, Micah 4:4, Proverbs 13:12, Reconciliation, Redemption, Salvation, Sin, Titus 2:14 The Tree of Life is a film by Terrence Malick about a man’s memory of his childhood, including his mother and father. He becomes… READ MORE