Empowered To Sacrifice Comparison, Contentious, David Livingstone, Empowerment, Explorer, Gain, Hebrews 10:34, Love, Luke 14:27, Luke 18:22, Luke 9:24, Matthew 10:37, Missionary, Respect, Sacrifice David Livingstone is one of the more well-known missionaries and explorers to southern Africa. Though he is also known for being contentious and a… READ MORE
Gaining By Losing Acts 13:47, Counting the Cost, Death, Eternity, Faithfulness, Hostility, Jim Elliot, Mark 16:15, Mark 8:35, Matthew 5:15-16, Missionary, Perspective, Romans 1:16, Sacrifice, Salvation Jim Elliot was an evangelical missionary who attempted to reach out to a small Indian settlement in Ecuador with a team. Unfortunately, the entire… READ MORE