God Weaves our Stories Author, Fearfully and Wonderfully Made, God's Will, Storytelling Research the Native peoples in your area, if time allows. Most Native peopleshave a traditional method of passing stories down from one generation to… READ MORE
Illustrating The Biggest Story Easter, Illustrations, Jesus' Teaching, Parables, Preaching, Story, Storytelling, Teaching, The Gospel Jesus used the familiar landscapes, objects, and occurrences of everyday life to describe the profound truths of the Kingdom to his disciples and the… READ MORE
Chekov’s Gun Devotional, Gun, James 4:8, Matthew 6:33, Memory, Psalm 119:9, Psalm 62:1, Psalm 91:1, Purpose, Quiet time, Reading, Relevant, Rules, Storytelling, Truth Playwright Anton Chekov had a rule in writing that if the audience sees a gun in the first scene, it has to go off… READ MORE