A Second Look

In this short video, Tim and Kathy Keller explain the historical validity of the resurrection: https://youtu.be/B4vvN5DGe50?si=uy30Bc0IbY0ribmj. Kathy gives an example of how, during the time when leaders were working on nuclear disarmament, they were not basing it on trust alone; they also wanted to look and see that, indeed, no one was hiding nuclear bombs. They wanted to verify what they were being told. The disciples had been told about the coming crucifixion and that Jesus would rise again, but even upon seeing the empty tomb, it took a second look to begin to believe that what Jesus had said was becoming a reality. As we consider our culture and the many things that would keep someone from stepping into faith, might we have compassion and grace instead of judgment as they consider the empty tomb as the disciples did? When we consider our fellow brother or sister in the Lord who is struggling with doubt, can we be honest enough to recognize that belief isn’t always easy and commit to looking together at those things that don’t make sense sometimes? Jesus’s resurrection was not hindered by the disciples’ lack of complete understanding. Instead, as the chapter later reveals, he makes himself known to them in their confusion (vv. 11– 18), in their gatherings (v. 19–23), and in their doubts (vv. 24–29).