The Disney+ series The Mandalorian (created by Jon Favreau, Lucasfilm, 2019) revolves around the diverse adventures of a stoic bounty hunter who is resolutely…
In the movie Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves (directed by John Francis Daley and Jonathan Goldstein, Paramount Pictures, 2023), a clever crook (Edgin)…
The movie 127 Hours (directed by Danny Boyle, Fox Searchlight Pictures, 2010) tells the true story of Aron Ralston, an adventurous outdoorsman who was…
In the Italian film Life Is Beautiful (directed by Roberto Benigni, Miramax, 1997), an optimistic, charismatic, charming Jewish Italian father, Guido, must shield his…
From the pickup line at our school to waiting for much anticipated events and activities, everyday life brings plenty of opportunities to wait. Understanding…
Followers of Jesus need to be connected to the vine, but not in singularity. To bear fruit, the fruit-producing branches need other fruit-producing branches….