St. Patrick was a man who walked among those whom the world at large
considered to be barbarians. The Celts were known to be violent, brash, and
practitioners of ritualistic human sacrifice. As a younger man, Patrick was
enslaved to them, captured, and taken from his home in Britain. He eventually
escaped captivity and, in his freedom, felt himself called to return to his captors
to bring Christ with him. Patrick was well known by those in the area where he
was enslaved, so the Celtic people were well aware of the consequences he
faced in returning. So powerful was this realization that Patrick’s former master
locked himself in his home and burned it to the ground rather than face a man of
such conviction (George G. Hunter III, The Celtic Way of Evangelism [Nashville:
Abingdon Press, 2010], 48). The driving desire to know a God who could compel
a man to face such imminent danger turned an “unreachable” people away from
their false gods. Much like through his display in 1 Kings 20, God again proved to
be far more than the little gods humans have made for themselves. God, in every
age, is greater.