Rattling Confessions

In our world today, we have this aversion to any kind message that strikes us as judgmental: that maybe the way we want to live, the decisions we are making aren’t the best ones for us. Have you ever been driving on the road, and for whatever reason, you drift far enough off the main road that you hit what is called a rumble strip? Rumble strips are loud. They shake the car. They maybe upset your kids or other passengers. But most importantly: they keep you alive by making you focus your attention on the path you should be taking. Confessing that we believe in the forgiveness of sins as well as the resurrection and life everlasting is a bit like a rumble strip. We’re jolted awake by the knowledge that we have sins that need forgiveness, but at the same time, we’re focused on our road home. Confessing the Apostles’ Creed is a chance to follow that sign home.