Taste and See

One word that teaches us how to cultivate a biblical worldview is the word “meditate.” The Hebrew word here is hagah, and in Eat This Book, Eugene Peterson makes the connection between “meditating” on Scripture and his dog chewing on a bone. “There is a certain kind of writing that invites this kind of reading, soft purrs and low growls as we taste and savor, anticipate and take in the sweet and spicy, mouth-watering and soul-energizing morsel words—‘O taste and see that the LORD is good!’ (Ps. 34:8)” (Eugene Peterson, Eat This Book: A Conversation in the Art of Spiritual Reading [Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2009], 2). Psalm 1 shows us that we cultivate a biblical worldview by on a daily basis, chewing on God’s instruction that is found in the Word. And in doing this, we will experience a blessed, happy life.