We’re All Lepers in Need

In “Don’t Expect a Spectacular Christian Life,” Rustie McKie connects the thought that we struggle with the simplistic—even substandard—ways that God seems to treat our petitions with Naaman’s initial response to the instructions Elisha gives him. A great quote from the article says, “We can be like Naaman when it comes to spiritual disciplines, can’t we? We think we’re big stuff, even though we are lepers in need. We expect Jesus to show up, wave his hand, and do something miraculous. We want healing, but on our own terms. But Jesus says he will heal us if we will only come to him (Matt. 11:28–30). He tells us to go wash in the river of sanctifying grace” (Rusty McKie, “Don’t Expect a Spectacular Christian Life,” The Gospel Coalition, November 21, 2017,