Not Barbie World Journey, Maturity, Status, Struggle, worldly systems Barbie was a blockbuster movie and caused a lot of commentary on gender roles, patriarchy, and matriarchy. “Rather than offering a blind affirmation of feminism… READ MORE
Junk Food Devotion, Growth, Maturity, Spiritual Growth, Theology You can eat junk food, processed foods, fake food—but not forever without consequences. There is no nutrition to help you grow. The Bible speaks… READ MORE
Nosing Around Humility, Judging, Maturity On the sitcom Blackish, the Johnson family lives in a predominantly white neighborhood and has a nosy neighbor named Janine. The final episode of… READ MORE
Drum Majors Discipline, Focus, Following God, God's Plan, Maturity Drum majors are tasked with keeping an entire marching band in step and on the beat. Drum majors keep themselves visible to limit confusion…. READ MORE
Disciples Making Disciples Community, Discipleship, Great Commission, Maturity Remember that part of being a disciple is making disciples—obeying Jesus’s Matthew 28 command (which applies to us, as it endures “to the end… READ MORE
Our Father Care, Discipline, Father, God Our Father, Heavenly Father, Love, Maturity, Wisdom Think of a loving, human father and his young son. There are things the son does not (and cannot) understand at this point in… READ MORE
Stagnate Christian Walk, Complacency, Destruction, Faith, Growth, Maturity, Sin, Soul, Stagnate, The Heart When water stagnates and is not active in any way, there is all kinds of potential for rotten things like diseases and the insects… READ MORE
Safety First Accountability, Boundaries, Christian Life, Christian Living, Growth, Guardrails, Maturity, Spiritual Growth, Spiritual Maturity If you’ve ever had a child, babysat, or been in charge of a small group of children, you understand the importance of establishing safety… READ MORE
Becoming Who You Are 1 John 3:1, 1 Peter 2:2, 2 Peter 3:18, Adoption, Children of God, Christlikeness, Ephesians 4:13-16, Galatians 3:26, Growth, John 1:12, Maturity, Philippians 1:6, Philippians 2:13, Philippians 3:12, Sanctification This video from Oprah Winfrey shows those first moments when a baby bird is nudged out of the nest by its mother and takes… READ MORE