Think like a Farmer for Faithfulness Faith, Faithfulness, Fruit, Parables, Spiritual Growth The challenge of waiting for God in our lives means that we have to wait until he is finished to see what has grown… READ MORE
Branches Bear Fruit, Dependence On God, Fruit, Growth John 15 is a continuation of Jesus’s “I am” statements from John chapter 14. Jesus is making a connection between the one true God… READ MORE
Fruit Trees Bear Fruit, Consistency, Fruit, Witness, Words James refers to different types of trees or plants producing fruit different from that which it was designed to bear. He implies that it… READ MORE
Rootstock Fruit, Fruit of the Spirit, Growing, Spiritual Growth When growing apple trees, farmers can’t simply drop a seed in the ground and expect to grow a tree identical to the parent; this… READ MORE
The Product Of Struggle Fruit, Purpose, Struggles, Suffering Wine makers state that the best wines come from grapes that struggle and experience stress. “If you take a grapevine and make its physical… READ MORE
Inside Out Change, Fruit, Sanctification, The Heart, Transformation Everyone knows that you don’t eat bananas until they turn yellow. The internal transformation of the fruit inside the peel is what causes the… READ MORE
A Tale of Two Trees Fruit, Jesus' Teaching, Matthew, Parable, The Gospels In the Bible, Jesus warns about false prophets who look like good guys but really are bad news (Matthew 7:15). He uses the illustration… READ MORE
Changing The Fruit Fruit, Fruit of the Spirit, Sin, Tempation, The Heart, The Spirit You can’t change an apple tree into a banana tree by plucking all the apples off, and hoping bananas grow instead. To replace the… READ MORE
False Advertising Authenticity, Christian Life, Christians, Faith, Fruit, genuine, Healthy, Honesty, Hypocracy, Lukewarm “Recently I saw a bag of potato chips with a bold declaration splashed across the front: ‘Zero grams of trans fat.’ I was glad… READ MORE
Fruitful Discipleship Authority, Authority of Jesus, Bear Fruit, Disciples, Discipleship, Fruit, Fruitful Discipleship, Proof of Purchase, Receipt Have you ever tried to return something to the store without a receipt? It can sometimes be a hassle, because your receipt is the… READ MORE
Recognition 1 Corinthians 11:1-2, 1 Peter 2:9, 2 Corinthians 3:18, 2 Corinthians 5:17, Character, Christ's Example, Christian Life, Christlikeness, Ephesians 5:1, Faith, Fruit, Galatians 2:20, Identity, Recognition, Relationship with God, Romans 12:1-2, Romans 8:29 Do you have facial recognition on your phone? This technology allows you to unlock your phone based on the particulars of your face, in… READ MORE
Spiritual Cultivation 1 Corinthians 3:7, Effort, Ephesians 3:17, Faith, Farming, Fruit, Fruit of the Spirit, Galatians 5:22-23, Galatians 6:9, Gardening, God's Work, Grace, John 15:5, Philippians 2:12, Philippians 2:13, Psalm 1:1-3, Reaping, Sanctification, Sowing, Spiritual Growth There’s one type of image that pops up in Scripture repeatedly when describing the growth of Christians—farming or gardening. Perhaps we should think of… READ MORE