Christ At Work Through Every Page And Every Day Active, God's Word, Grace of God, Jesus Christ, Salvation, Story of David, Work of Jesus Gerald Manley Hopkins wrote a poem called “As Kingfishers Catch Fire.” In the poem, the author describes a world saturated in the grace of… READ MORE
Heart Motive Bear Fruit, God's Word, Heart, Motive, Spiritual Health Many of Jesus’s parables illustrate the idea that God is interested not in our religious pretentions but in the motives of our hearts. We… READ MORE
The Belt: More Than A Fashion Statement Armor of God, Discernment, God's Word, Protection, Truth In the biblical world, a belt was more than a fashion statement. As we see in this Bible dictionary description, “a belt was important… READ MORE
Living By Truth God's Word, Scripture, The Bible, Trusting God, Trusting Jesus, Truth In recent years there has been a lot of talk about fake news, media bias, and how social media drives information, for better or worse…. READ MORE
Our Trusted Guide Direction, God's Word, Guidance, Scripture, The Bible, Trusting God Imagine trying to get directions in a big city you’ve never been to before. You could ask the locals, but they’ll give you street… READ MORE
His Word Is His Bond God's Faithfulness, God's Promises, God's Word, Promises, Trusting God Captain Robert Campbell was a British POW captured by Germany during World War I. When his mother became gravely ill, he begged to visit… READ MORE
Keeping Promises God's Faithfulness, God's Promises, God's Word, Promises, Scripture Can you keep a promise? We yearn for people to keep their promises to us. From something small, like promising to return a phone call,… READ MORE
Changing Your Mind God's Word, mind, Scripture, Thought life, Thoughts Scientists have discovered that waterfalls can show up any where along a river, quickly (in geological views of time) changing the landscape because of… READ MORE
Seeking God’s Guidance Direction, God's Word, Guidance, The Bible God’s guidance isn’t as mystical as some might expect. He has given us the Bible as a way to hear from him and to… READ MORE
Ear Service God's Word, The Bible, Trust You can tell what someone trusts by their actions. No one trusts a car alarm because no one ever reacts to hearing a car… READ MORE
Up or Down Change, Constancy, Culture, God's Sovereignty, God's Word, Perspective, Reference “Without some objective reference point we have no way of really saying if something is up or down.” On earth, the ground is always… READ MORE
Your Guide Direction, God's Word, Guidance, Guide, Light, Scripture, The Word, Truth When you travel to an unknown region, whether domestically or internationally, it can be helpful to get a tour guide. A tour guide can… READ MORE
A Living Word A Living Word, Flock, God Speaks, God's Word, Jesus, John Piper, Response, Sheep, Shepherd Consider the relationship between a herd of sheep and their shepherd. A shepherd guides, nourishes, and protects the sheep of his flock. The role… READ MORE
Eating God’s Word God's Word, Obedience, Priorities, Scripture, Teaching, The Bible We are to consume the Bible, not just occasionally nibbling it. We are in danger of spiritual anorexia due to our lack of eating… READ MORE
Step Up to the Plate 1 Timothy 4:7, Baseball, Coach, Coaching, God's Word, God's Work, Godly, Godly Life, Paul, Step Up to the Plate, Timothy, Training If you have ever played baseball, you had a coach that taught you how to hold a bat. Each swing was a chance to… READ MORE
In the Shallow Conflict, Confusion, Connect Groups, Discussion, God's Word, In the Shallow, Interpretation, Shallow, Small Groups, The Word, Theologian, Theological, Theology, Word of God There is good theology and bad theology. Some Christians think wrongly that the best way to avoid bad theology is to avoid theology altogether…. READ MORE
Knowing God’s Will Conviction, Counsel, Decisions, God's Plan, God's Will, God's Word, Guidance, Isaiah 30:21, James 1:5, Path, Proverbs 11:14, Proverbs 3:5-6, Psalm 24:4-5, Psalm 32:8, Romans 12:1-2, Wisdom “Often I am asked, ‘Anne, I have a major decision to make. How can I know if it is in God’s will? In response,… READ MORE